Thursday, July 9, 2009

False Alarm!!

I went to work on Tuesday and as soon as I got to work I started to have contractions one right after the other. I thought for sure I would be in real labor by that night but the contractions got father apart as the day went on and finally stopped by that evening. I was so disappointed. We went to the doctor on Wednesday and the dr. said I was dilated to 2cm and was 50% effaced and he stripped my membranes again. I lost my mucus plug today but I have only had like 2 contractions today. I am grasping at straws at this point. We go back to the doctor next Wednesday if I don't go into labor before then, and if I still haven't had Drake by then I am planning to schedule an induction for hopefully Friday the 17th. I am just really hoping to go into labor before then because I want it to be a surprise and I may chicken out and not go through with and induction until I have to. Its all up in the air right now.

1 comment:

  1. My vote is for the 17th b/c that's our wedding anniversary! My mom's bday is the 13th so that would be a good one too! ;) I was dilated to a 3 and 90% effaced for 3 weeks so was induced. I was so ready for Dawson to get here that I wanted to be induced. Good luck!!
